Our Local Church Communities

Here at Bluecoat Wollaton we have developed strong partnerships with local church communities and Christian organisations to support the Christian Distinctiveness in school. This has allowed for students to engage with different styles of worship, prayer and reflection and varied liturgical traditions.

Here are a few examples of the partnerships Bluecoat Wollaton have:

St Leonard’s Church support Bluecoat Wollaton in a number of ways. The Rector at St Leonard’s, Tim Pullen plays an active part in the school community. He is a Trust Governor and also delivers Communion services in school once a half term as well as delivering Communion on staff INSET days. St Leonard’s Church is also the venue for our annual school Christmas Carol service.

Termly prayer meetings take place at St Leonard’s led by Tim Pullen. These meetings allow staff, student parents and members of the community to gather at the church to pray for the school.

St Mary’s Wollaton Park have hosted the schools Christmas and Easter services in the church over the last few years. Bluecoat staff work with clergy to design and deliver these services. St Mary’s have also been the venue for the Church Experience ran by Crossteach, allowing students the chance to visit and explore the church.

In previous years students from our community leadership group have supported a coffee morning at St Mary’s for members of the local community. Providing music, refreshments, conversation and even some games.

St Margaret’s Church in Aspley have supported both Bluecoat Wollaton Academy and Bluecoat Aspley Academy for a number of years. Primarily being the host for the Founders Day service for Year 7 students across both Wollaton and Aspley until this year.

The team from St Margaret’s continue to work closely with Bluecoat Wollaton, delivering regular Acts of Worship. In 2019, St Margaret’s church also helped co-ordinate a mission week across a number of schools in the area. This allowed the school to benefit from having artists from Manchester and London visit to speak to students on the theme of faith.

Crossteach deliver regular Acts of Worship. They support with the transition process by delivering Acts of Worship and experiences in a number of our feeder primary schools. Which helps provide a familiar face for students who attend Bluecoat Wollaton.

Crossteach also deliver a number of experiences across the year. These include:

  • The Church experience in which all year 7 students visit and get to explore the parish church St Mary’s and can ask questions about church.
  • The Easter experience, delivered in school. This is an interactive experience engaging students in the Easter story and message.

Trent Vineyard offer support in a number of ways. They regularly deliver Acts of Worship and deliver an Alpha course for students wanting to explore faith.  During the Covid-19 pandemic students were also welcomed to join the course online via Zoom. Trent Vineyard Youth Centre is also used for our year 7 activity day, as part of the wider transition package that all students enjoy. This allows students to see what church can look like and know where to find a local church youth group that provides small groups and youth events throughout the week. For more information visit: https://trentvineyard.org/trent-youth.

Heart Church regularly deliver Acts of Worship and support with the running of our Christian Union. They have supported in facilitating mission weeks and many of our end of term services. A number of students from our school attend their youth events and we encourage Heart Youth to advertise any events they have coming up when they deliver Acts of Worship or CU. For more information on their youth work visit: https://heart.church/youth.

We also have a number of churches who support through the delivery of Acts of Worship, lunch clubs and mission days these include:

Contact Us

Bluecoat Wollaton Academy
Sutton Passeys Crescent
Wollaton Park

E-mail: office@bluecoatwollaton.co.uk
Tel: 0115 900 72 10

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