
Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends the Academy regularly and arrives on time each day. We expect students’ attendance to be 98% or above and are always grateful for parental support, as only by working in partnership can we achieve this aim. We do appreciate that there may occasionally be good reason for absence but strongly believe that attendance has a direct link to achievement and so high records of attendance remain a priority at the Academy.

Parents are expected to:

  • Ensure their child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies.
  • Notify the school as soon as possible when their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness).
  • Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance.
  • Book any medical appointments around the school day where possible.

Schools are expected to:

  • Have a clear school attendance policy on the school website which all staff, pupils and parents understand:

Click here to view the Attendance & Punctuality Policy

  • Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of good attendance. Please see below for some of the rewards offered.
  • Accurately complete admission and attendance registers. These are completed at the start of every lesson. Please access GO 4 Schools for live attendance data for your child.
  • Have robust daily processes to follow up absence. Our Year Leaders & Attendance Officer follow up absences with day 1 calls and home visits when required.
  • Have a dedicated senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance. Mr Mohsin Khan is our Assistant Principal responsible for behaviour & attendance.

GO 4 Schools

Parents have access to GO 4 Schools which enables them to track their child’s attendance and punctuality at the Academy; full details can be found on our GO 4 Schools page here.

Attendance Rewards

The following table illustrates the rewards that students will be given if they have 100% attendance and/or punctuality for any week or half term.

  • Students achieving 100% attendance each week receive 1 positive point
  • Students achieving 100% punctuality each week receive 1 positive point
  • Students achieving 100% attendance each half term receive 3 positive points
  • Students achieving 100% punctuality each half term receive 3 positive points
  • Certificates and prizes on a half/termly/end of year basis

All positive points issued contribute to pop-up rewards which take place throughout the academic year, including the Summer Festival at the end of the summer term.

Term Dates

Click here to view our latest term dates and those for future years where available.


Regular attendance is vital to your child’s education. Missing school can significantly impact
their academic progress, social development, and overall success. We understand that there are
circumstances where absences are unavoidable, and we encourage open communication with the
school to discuss any issues that may arise.

As part of ongoing efforts to ensure that all children receive the full benefit of their education,
the government has implemented changes to the Penalty Notice fines related to unauthorised
absences. These changes are aimed at addressing persistent absenteeism and encouraging
regular attendance, which is crucial for your child’s academic success and overall development.

What’s changing?

With the introduction of the new National Framework for penalty notices, the following changes
came into force on 19th August 2024. Penalty notices Fines will continue to be issued per
parent, per child and will be issued for:

Term-time leave:

  • Penalty Notice fines will be issued for term-time leave of 5 or more consecutive days.
  • 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10 week period: A Penalty Notice may be
    considered/issued when a child has had 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10
    school week period. Please note there are 2 sessions per day: AM and PM.

First offence:

The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for a term-time holiday and/or irregular school
attendance, the Penalty Notice will be charged by the local authority at: £160 per parent, per
child, if paid within 28 days of the issue, reducing to £80 if paid within 21 days.

Second offence:

Where it is deemed appropriate to issue a second Penalty Notice to the same parent for the
same child within 3 years of the first notice, the second penalty notice will be charged by the
local authority at: £160 if paid within 28 days (no reduced fee for paying early). Unpaid Penalty
Notices after 28 days may result in parental prosecution.

Third offence:

On the third occasion that an offence is committed for either a term-time holiday and/or irregular school attendance, a Penalty Notice will not be issued – the case may proceed straight to Parental
Prosecution under the Single Justice Procedure. If found guilty of the offence of ‘Failure to send
a child to school’ the Magistrates can impose a fine of up to £2500. This will also show on a parental DBS certificate.

What is considered to be an Unauthorised Absence?

An absence is considered unauthorised when it is not approved by the school in advance or when
no valid reason is provided. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Holidays taken during term time without the school’s permission.
  • Absences not reported or explained by parents/guardians.
  • Other absences not deemed valid by school policy.

How Can You Avoid Fines?

  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly (our target is 98%) and on time.
  • Inform the school of any absences promptly, providing a valid reason.
  • Request approval for any planned absences in advance, understanding that approval is
    subject to the school’s attendance policy.

We understand that there are times when absences are unavoidable, and we appreciate the
efforts you make to ensure your child is in school whenever possible. Your continued support in
prioritising regular attendance is crucial for helping your child reach their full academic

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or need assistance to improve it, please
don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to work with you to ensure that every student has the
best possible chance to succeed.

More information can be found on the Nottingham City Council School Attendance page.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Wollaton Academy
Sutton Passeys Crescent
Wollaton Park

Tel: 0115 900 72 10

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Bluecoat Wollaton Academy