Progress, Assessment and Reporting

Ensuring that all Wollaton learners meet or exceed their potential is central to the academy’s day-to-day work. Our curriculum has been carefully designed to support all students to make progress from their individual starting points towards their personalised aspirational targets derived from their prior attainment.

We assess and record evidence of learning and progress in a number of ways in order to paint a holistic view of each student. This enables staff to work in partnership with parents to track, monitor and reward successes; stretch and challenge; anticipate barriers to learning; as well as support and intervene where required.

The GO 4 Schools online platform enables the effective communication of students’ progress, showing live data alongside their behaviour, homework and attendance. At scheduled points throughout the year, each student’s progress data is ‘snapshotted’ and published to GO 4 Schools as a progress report which show progress trends over time. These can be accessed and viewed by parents digitally. Visit our GO 4 Schools page for more information.

Attitude to Learning

Attitude to Learning (ATL) grades are recorded by teachers alongside progress data to describe each student’s approach to their own learning. Grade descriptors indicate the types of attitudes students display and are used in order to guide and support students in becoming better learners. The descriptors for these can be viewed here: Attitude to Learning grade descriptors

Assessment Framework

The Archway Learning Trust (ALT) Assessment Framework aims to ensure in-year assessment is robust, offers opportunities for trust-wide collaboration and comparability and helps us work together towards common goals to achieve the best for our students.

At Key Assessment Points during the year, all students complete formal assessments which track their progress, highlighting areas of strength and any need for further improvement. During Key Stage 3, there will be one formal assessment in each subject per academic year, rising to two in Key Stage 4. The assessments are designed to test students’ retention of core knowledge and develop how they apply this in different contexts. Content and skills are interleaved within assessments throughout the year to support students in moving knowledge from the short term to their long term memory. These formal assessments sit alongside teachers’ ongoing verbal and written feedback to students.

A Guide to Assessment at Bluecoat Wollaton Academy

Key Stage 3 assessments measure the progress made in each subject as teachers prepare students with the knowledge, skills and understanding that need to be developed and mastered in preparation for starting Level 2 courses in Key Stage 4. Progress is tracked by teachers and feedback given in order to support students in moving forward. Progress data on GO 4 Schools indicates if students are above, in-line with or below their expected progress when comparing the individual student’s most recent assessment to their own starting point at Bluecoat Wollaton.

Key Stage 4 assessment measures the progress made in each subject towards students’ individual target grades. Using ongoing teacher assessment of classwork and tested assessments, teachers record a projected grade which is the grade which the student is expected to achieve at the end of the course. A current ‘working at’ grade is also calculated using the academy’s tracking processes.

Click here to view academy assessment dates.

Additional GL Assessments

To complement and validate our internal assessment, students also sit online externally standardised tests which indicate their ability and potential performance, attainment and progress compared to their peers across the UK and also highlight potential barriers to learning. These tests are:

  • Cognitive Abilities Tests (CAT4) highlight pupils’ strengths and weaknesses in four areas: Verbal, Non-Verbal, Quantitative and Spatial Reasoning.
  • New Group Reading Tests (NGRT) screen and monitor progress of students’ reading and comprehension.
  • Progress Test in English (PTE) provide year on year assessment of students’ attainment in core English skills including spelling, grammar, punctuation and comprehension (including phonics where necessary).
  • Progress Test in Maths (PTM) assess two dimensions of Maths learning: mathematical content knowledge and understanding and applying mathematical processes.
  • Progress Test in Science (PTS) measure two dimensions of Science learning: science content knowledge, and understanding and applying science skills.
  • Pupils’ Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) This survey helps to anticipate, identify and understand attitudinal barriers to learning that may be affecting attainment.

Results from completed GL Assessments can be viewed on GO 4 Schools. Click here for further information about how to access and view these results, and guidance on understanding what the results mean.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Wollaton Academy
Sutton Passeys Crescent
Wollaton Park

Tel: 0115 900 72 10

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Bluecoat Wollaton Academy