The curriculum offer at Bluecoat Wollaton Academy reflects its learners: it is diverse, vibrant and driven by a desire for success. It equips our students with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed throughout their time at the Academy and excel in the next steps in their educational journey, be that at the Academy Sixth Form, university, college, apprenticeship or employment.
At Bluecoat Wollaton, students follow a bespoke knowledge based curriculum which is ambitious for all of its learners – no matter their starting point. The curriculum is designed to provide students at Bluecoat Wollaton with thorough and secure knowledge, skills and understanding during key stage three and then allow learners the opportunity to master/specialize in particular subject areas at Key Stage 4.
In Key Stage 3 – students experience a broad and balanced curriculum, studying: the Arts, Design Technology, Humanities, a Modern Foreign Language and PE, alongside the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Then, at the start of Key Stage 4, students personalise their curriculum by choosing a number of options from a range of GCSE and Vocational courses. Assessment in these courses takes place in a variety of forms including controlled assessments during the course and public examinations at the end of Key Stage 4. All subjects and qualifications are carefully selected to provide the best possible range of opportunities for our students and provide a platform for continued study through to the Sixth Form.
Whilst the experience is broadly referred to in two phases (KS3 and KS4), the curriculum at Bluecoat Wollaton is designed as one journey for students. Learning is sequenced carefully within and across years, to ensure that students acquire both disciplinary and substantive knowledge, which provides intellectual and cultural capital to prepare students for the world around them. Moreover, alongside the academic curriculum, students also engage with a wider curriculum – to support their spiritual, moral and cultural development – including: an immersive PHSE and RSE programme; weekly Believe Time activities; and enrichment activities from sports clubs and STEM groups, to journalism and much more.
For further information on curriculum related matters please contact Mr Andrew Robinson, Assistant Principal at
A summary of Key Stage 3 content:
The following subjects are studied in Key Stage 3. The number of 1 hour lessons per week are shown in brackets:
English (4)
Mathematics (4)
Science (3)
History (1)
Geography (1)
Spanish (2)
Religious Education (1)
Physical Education (2)
Art (1)
Music (1)
Drama (1)
Design & Technology (2)
Computing (1)
A summary of Key Stage 4 content:
The Key Stage 4 courses offered provide a firm foundation for future careers and further education. In particular, our courses are designed to support a natural transition to GCE A Level qualifications and vocational subjects offered in our Post-16 provision at Bluecoat Sixth Form. This ensures continuity and progression in learning at Bluecoat. We are convinced that our success as an academy is due in part to this careful linking of courses and the sustained support of staff for students from the ages of 11 to 18.
Students follow a core curriculum of:
English (Language and Literature) Mathematics, Science, an EBacc option (Geography or History), a Modern Foreign Language, Religious Studies and core PE.
Students then have a choice of options including:
Geography, History, Spanish, Art & Design, Child Development & Care, Creative Media Production, Drama, Computer Science, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Music, Design & Technology, PE, Sport and Sociology.