Policy Statement on Provider Access

To contact the school about opportunities for visiting or providing resources, please contact the Strategic Lead for Careers and Employability: Ms J Highfield, Assistant Principal – jhighfield@bluecoat.uk.com.


This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under the Provider Access Legislation which came into force on 1st January 2023.

Student entitlement

Students in Years 8-11 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of  a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through curriculum evenings, acts of worship, group discussions and taster events.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. For pupils of compulsory school age these encounters are mandatory and there will be a minimum of two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (Year 8 to 9) and two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (Year 10 to 11).

These provider encounters will be scheduled during the main school hours and the provider will be given a reasonable amount of time to, as a minimum:

  • Share information about both the provider and the approved technical education qualification and apprenticeships that the provider offers.
  • Explain what career routes those options could lead to.
  • Provide insights into what it might be like to learn or train with that provider (including the opportunity to meet staff and pupils from the provider).
  • Answer questions from pupils.

Meaningful provider encounters

One encounter is defined as one meeting/session between pupils and one provider.  Meaningful online engagement is also an option, and we are open to providers that are able to provide live online engagement with our pupils.

Previous Provider Visits

Various providers have previously been invited into Bluecoat Wollaton Academy, some of which are listed below:

First Destinations for 2022 Year 11 Leavers

The figures below have been externally collated and verified by Futures.

  • Continued Education in School – 38.26%
  • College of Further Education – 56.38%
  • Training – Not Employed – 4.03%
  • Employment with planned training – 0.67%
  • Not in Education, Employment or Training – 0.67%

Our top destinations in 2022 were:

  1. Bluecoat Sixth Form – 26.85%
  2. Bilborough College – 21.48%
  3. Nottingham College – 20.13%
  4. NUAST – 6.04%
  5. Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies – 4.05%

Management of provider access requests

Opportunities for access

Our provision includes various opportunities for students to access a range of careers and employability events. These are mainly integrated into the schools careers programme and curriculum. These events are therefore delivered internally, with contribution from external providers where appropriate.

All students will receive an opportunity to attend at least 6 encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships throughout their time at Bluecoat Wollaton Academy. These opportunities will be provided at least once per year to each year group, and on multiple occasions in Year 11.


A provider wishing to request access should contact Ms J Highfield (Assistant Principal with responsibility for Careers), via contact details provided. This will support the school and provider to identify the most suitable opportunity within the careers programme.

All requests for access will be considered based on their suitability. The grounds for granting and refusing requests may include: the time of required access; availability of opportunities; events taking place; appropriateness of provider location considering distance to the school site; appropriateness of provision to student level of qualification; whether subjects offered are of interest to the school cohort; number of encounters that have taken place previously.

Online encounters will be considered where appropriate.

The school policy on safeguarding sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students.


Once visits have been agreed, the school will provide appropriate rooming to facilitate the visit, along with any equipment requested by the provider, where it is available.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature to be displayed in the Library within the Careers and Employability hub.

Should providers wish to share details of upcoming events, this will be promoted to parents or students through email or parent communication as appropriate.

Should a provider wish to raise a complaint about Provider Access, please contact the school Principal using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Wollaton Academy
Sutton Passeys Crescent
Wollaton Park

E-mail: office@bluecoatwollaton.co.uk
Tel: 0115 900 72 10

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