In October the Bluecoat Wollaton Year 10 Drama class decided to enter the Toolbox competition which is presented by the Lakeside Arts Theatre and Nonsuch Theatre company as part of the Nottingham Young Creatives. Each group that entered across Nottingham were given identical boxes full of items to inspire their pieces of Drama. The Wollaton students first worked in smaller groups and then shared their work and decided which idea they would most like to explore further as a whole class. It was decided to go with the idea of labels and inequality inspired by black and white chess pieces which were in the box. We finished our final piece at the start of February and submitted it it to the competition, less than a week later we were delighted to hear that we had been selected to perform our piece at The Lakeside Theatre as part of the festival. On Monday the 4th of March, in front a a packed auditorium the group performed their piece.
We now look forward to the Nottingham Young creative celebration night at The Nottingham Playhouse when we will find out if we won our age category. Fingers cross. No matter if the students win or not they have had a wonderful experience of performing their own work on a professional stage.