Year 7
Who Am I?
You will study all the necessary vocabulary and grammar in order to be able to discuss who you are. This unit will allow you to introduce yourself to others as well as describe your family.
What do I like doing in my free time?
You will learn how to discuss what you like to do in your free time. This will include being able to talk not only about sports but also other free time activities you enjoy, such as those involving technology or music.
What do I like to study?
You will learn to talk about your school life, starting from discussing which subjects you study before moving on to talk about your school's facilities and your future educational plans.
Where do I live?
You will learn how to talk about your home and the area where you live. This will include learning about the rooms and furniture you can find in your house, as well as the amenities that there are in your local town or city. Further to that, you will learn to tell the time in Spanish so that you can discuss plans for what you are going to do on the weekend. Finally you will learn about two important Spanish festivals (La Semana Santa and San Fermín) and how they are integrated into the local community.
Year 8
What would my life be like without technology?
You will learn to talk about your
digital life, including being able to discuss what technological devices you have and would like to have in the future. You will reflect upon how vital technology is within your life and talk about the different ways in which it can be used to make your life easier. You will then discuss and compare your musical tastes and TV preferences.
Where did I go on holiday?
In this unit you will be introduced to the past tense and will focus on being able to describe holidays you have been on before. You will look at how to discuss the countries and places visited, as well as what the weather was like and what activities you did. You will also learn about how Christmas is celebrated in Hispanic countries, and discover the similarities and differences to how we celebrate it here.
What do I like to eat?
You are going to study about how food plays a vital part in Spanish culture and learn all about traditional Spanish foods and drinks. You will find out about the differences in cultures between the UK and Spain with regards not only to the foods that are eaten but their mealtimes as well. You will then put your knowledge into practice when you look at how you would order food in a restaurant or buy food from a market.
Where would I like to go?
In this unit you will learn the key social skill of how to invite someone out with you. This will involve everthing from knowing how to accept and decline offers, to describing meeting places in the town, to giving excuses as to why you can't go! You will also learn how to dicuss getting ready to go out and as a result how to talk about clothing and outfit choices.
Year 9
Do I follow a healthy lifestyle?
In this first unit of Year 9 you will learn to discuss your way of life and to reflect on how healthy your lifestyle truly is. This will involve firstly a detailed look at describing foods and diets, to decide what a healthy diet consists of. After that you will learn about different sports and reflect upon the frequency in which physical exercise is carried out. These two elements will help you to form an idea of what makes up your daily routine and habits. Following that you will learn about potential behaviours and activities which can contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle and finally you will look at different illnesses and injuries that we can experience and the remedies we can put in place to help improve them.
Read MoreHow can I help the environment?
In this unit you will learn to discuss the extremely important topic of the environment. You will start off by learning about how to express your rights in life and to reflect on situations where these rights are not always respected. From there you will learn about Fairtrade, what is is, where it happens and its advantages and disadvantages. Afterwards you will look at reflecting upon things that should be done within the home and local area to help protect the environment before finally looking to compare what your local area used to be like in the past, compared to what it is like now.
Read MoreWhat do I want be when I am older?
This next unit will allow you to think forward and to plan your ideal future. We will start by dicussing different jobs and career choices as well as delving into what activities those jobs may consist of. You will learn to justify your opinion as to why you would or wouldn't like to have various different careers. As part of that justification you will learn to reflect on the type of person that you are and the characteristics you could offer an employer. Finally, within this unit you will look more widely at discussing not only the career you would like to have when you are older but also other elements of your future including, for example, whether you would like to travel the world, go to university, be famous and have a family.
Read MoreWho makes up my social life?
This final unit in Year 9 focuses on looking at the people that we have in our lives as well as the ways in which we communicate with them. Building on vocabulary learnt in Years 7 and 8 we will look at describing our family members and our friends, both by reflecting on their physical appearance as well as their personalities. We will learn to discuss ways we can communicate with the people in our lives by discussing our usage of social media as well as how to arrange meeting people in person. You will look at both the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as well as how to present your preferences in terms of favourite social media networks. After this you will look at how technology has impacted other areas of our lives, for example reading and you will discuss the pros and cons of e-books. Finally in this unit you will learn to further describe your relationships with friends and family as well as to consider and create an argument as to what makes a good friend.
Read MoreYear 10
How do I usually spend my free time?
This first unit in Year 10 is all about discussing your hobbies. You will look at free time activities you like to do as well as those that you don't and you will look at activities within all different categories. To start with you will build upon work done back in Year 7 and 9 and develop further your opinions of hobbies by describing what you usually do in your free time. From there you will consider the sports you do and the benefits of physical activity. You will reflect upon the sports that you used to do and compare them to your preferences now. You will also look to describe any sporting heroes and idols, and reflect upon the impact they have had on your enjoyment of that sport. From there you will learn to discuss your preferences about non-sporting hobbies, looking primarily at your opinions on TV, film and music. You will discuss events you have attended in the past or would like to and you will also look into the differences in opinion over watching performances live, for example, at a concert versus from the comfort of your own home. To end this unit you will learn to talk about who inspires you and who you consider to be a role model in life. You will reflect on things your role model has done in their life and the impact that has had on your own.
Read MoreWhat are my views on life at school?
This unit builds on the work you did in Year 7 around discussing the school subjects that you do as well as describing what your school is like, however, develops your opinions further to look into other factors that make up your school life. Firstly you will learn to discuss the subjects that you study in greater detail, looking to develop your opinions using comparatives and superlatives to say whicch subjects are better and why. You will look at the actions that make up a good teacher and you will reflect upon your school facilities. From there you will learn to reflect and compare your primary school to your secondary school, including differences in teaching styles, curriculum and the classrooms. Next we will spend time understanding how to explain different school rules in Spanish, before looking to debate our opinons about the benefits to having various different rules. The final element of this unit is to look at your wider school life, including things such as trips and extra-curricular clubs and to be able to explain the impact that these activities have had on you.
Read MoreHow do I like to spend my holidays?
This unit allows you to further develop your opinions and understanding when discussing different holiday styles, building on the work you did in Year 8. You will start by looking at the basics of describing a holiday such as where you go, who with, how you get there, and the weather. From that foundation knowledge you will be able to discuss in detail the different types of activities you like to do on holiday as well as the opinions of others you are on holiday with. You will discuss these different activities across all three tenses, describing past holidays, your usual holidays and future plans for upcoming breaks. You will look at reflecting upon the facilities and location of different types of accommodation, including looking at how you would reserve accommodation and deal with any issues you may encounter while staying away from home, both within the place that you are staying and the surrounding area.
Read MoreHow would I describe my local area?
This unit will allow you to explore your local area in greater depth. You will start by describing the different amenities that are available within your region as well as the items you can buy in the different kinds of shops. You will look at the language needed to be able to shop successfully, including giving and asking for directions as well as specific vocabulary needed within a shop to describe styles and sizes of clothes. After that you will look more broadly at describing the key features of your city that could make it an attractive place to visit and describe all the things you can do within the local area. The final element of this unit it to reflect on the things that can make a city a great place to live as well as those which can make it unpleasant. You will look at describing improvements that can be carried out to make the environment a healthier and happier place, making it more attractive to both visitors and residents.
Read MoreYear 11
What do I know about Hispanic festivals?
This first unit of Year 11 looks to allow you to compare culture and traditions within the Hispanic world and to look at how that may differ with your own. You will look at a variety of different aspects, starting with foods and mealtimes. Reflecting upon your daily routine, you will learn how people living in Hispanic countries may follow different diets and local produce. Following on with the food focus, you will look at describing a special meal that you have eaten and how to order food within a restaurant setting. After this you will learn about a variety of different Hispanic festivals, from all over the world. You will use this information to describe a festival important to you. Finally we will spend time looking at descrbing music festivals, looking specifically at Spanish music festivals before learning to narrate our own experiences of going to a concert or festival.
Read MoreWhat are my plans for my future?
This unit builds upon work from Year 9 around discussing plans for the future. You will start the unit looking at describing jobs that would like to do in future and how your character means that you are suited to that career. From there you will reflect upon your current situation as a teenager and learn to discuss how you earn money at the moment, either through completing household chores or by having a part time jobs. You will then look at discussing work experience, including reflecting upon the elements that make up a job in the real world, such as colleagues, working hours, the commute, what the clients are like etc... Next you will look at learning about the skills which can support you in finding a job, as well as how to discuss these as part of a job application. Finally you will learn to dicuss other future plans, including your views on things such as taking a gap year, getting married, starting a family and doing volunteer work, to name but a few!
Read MoreWhat can I do to become a global citizen?
The final unit you will study in Year 11 allows you to reflect upon your place in the world and the contributions you can have to make it a healthier, greener place. This unit builds on some of the vocabuarly learnt in Year 9, but allows you to develop your understanding further and to look at a wider range of social and global issues. To start with you will learn to describe different living situations and the things you can do within the home and you local area to help care for the environment. After that you will learn to discuss social issues which affect millions of people worldwide, including unemployment, hunger and addicition. Further to this you will look at different vices that some people choose to take part in and the impact these can have on your life. You will start to build you own argument as to how you feel these issues should be tackled before we go on to look at different natural disasters which occur across the world. The final element of this unit is to discuss international events and the impact they can have on the different countries involved.
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