Year 7
Ping Pong Project

Students will research the importance of ergonomics and how this influences the design of products Students will design and make a ping pong bat testing and devloping their prototypes. Students will also be introduced to CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacture) with a basic understanding of materials.
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Lighting Project

To introduce basic electronics theory building on what they have learnt from Science and KS2. They will learn to build on their wood working practical skills and learn new skills like soldering. They will also get an insight into manufacturing in industry and how things are made on a larger scale. During this project they will design, model, test, develop and make further building on their knowledge of these stages from other projects.
Year 9

Students will learn how to evaluate the design of a product and suggest how they have been designed to cope with stresses and forces. You will identify what forces are applied to products and where the stresses are. Be able to describe different forces and stresses. develop, design and build a bridge using craft straws and test your design using weights to determine the strongest designs.
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Bauhaus Chair Project

Students will learn about one of the most prominent design movements in the history of design. Designing a new and modern chair, this will encompass all of the key ideologies of Bauhaus and learn about its key designers.
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Students will learn about the process of Pewter casting whilst also finding out about the properties and characteristics of metals.
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Students will learn about how to accurately make a wooden box through the careful construction of wood joints.
Students will also learn the properties and characteristics of different timbers.
NEA: Establishing a client and need

Students will begin to look at the themes for the Non-Exam Assessment as released by AQA.
Students will be encouraged to investigate and select a theme then begin to source a client for the duration of the project.
Year 11
NEA: Section A

In this section of the Non-Exam Assessment students will identify, investigate and outline design possibilities based on one of the themes provided AQA. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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In this section of the Non -Exam Assessment students will write a detailed design brief and specification for their chosen product based on their research and client's needs and wants. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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In this section of the Non-Exam Assessment students will use a range of hand and computer aided drawing techniques to generate design ideas and communicate them to their client. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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In this section of the Non-Exam Assessment students will use physical and computer-aided modelling to develop their design ideas, producing a final idea with construction details, materials and measurements. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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In this section of the Non-Exam Assessment students will plan the manufacture of their final prototype and make a product to represent their final ideas. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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In this section of the Non-Exam Assessment students will test and evaluate their final prototype to conclude its success and suggest final areas for improvement. Alongside NEA lessons students will have one lesson a week on exam theory linking in with concepts in the NEA.
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This is where students will begin the final preparations for their end of year exam that is worth 50% of their overall grade.
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