Year 7
Personal Belongings
During this project you will be working on a series of observational drawings of personal objects, developing your skills in using line, tone and mark making techniques. You will also learn about the processes of mono printing and polystyrene printing.
Flowers and Insects
During this project you will be developing your skills further in observational drawing, through studies of flowers and insects. You will develop an understanding of colour theory and learn how to mix colours through coloured pencil work and painting.
Wire Fish Sculpture
During this project you will be developing your skills further in observational drawing, through studies of tropical fish. You will begin to develop skills in researching and analysing an artist’s work (Tom Hill). You will learn how to safely manipulate wire to create a 3D sculpture inspired by your drawing and Tom Hill’s techniques.
Year 8
Celebrity Portraits
During this project you will be working on an observational drawing of your chosen celebrity. You will also include images which represent your interests. You will be developing your skills in using line, tone and how to scale up an image using a gird to create an accurate portrait. You will also learn about the facial proportions and pattern.
During this project you will be introduced to the art work of Hundertwasser. You will develop your research and analytical skills. You will be able to recognise both the thematic and stylistic qualities of Hundertwasser’s work. You will be able to use these two distinct qualities as separate starter points to your own work. You will be able to evaluate and present your project.
Cultural Pattern
During this project you will continue to develop your observational drawing skills, through studies of African patterns. You will begin to develop skills in analysing symbols by looking at traditional Adinkra patterns. You will design your own symbol and develop this in to a printing tile, using this to create a repeat pattern. You will learn about different print layouts and experiment with different colour ways. You will also experiment with mark making using this to enhance your work.
Year 9
Nature Cath Riley Tonal pencil
You will be introduced to the work of Cath Riley. Building your tonal pencil skills through the study of her large scale close up drawings
Nature Georgia Luck Watercolour
You will build on your exisiting skills in water colour by looking at the illustrations of Georgina Luck. You will develop confidence with more experimental styles of drawing and mixed media
David Hockney Abstract Acrylic Landscapes
You wil study the Landscapes of David Hockney, use your exsisting knowledge of colour theory and learn how to create a range of techniques with acrylic paints.
Architecture Ruth Allen Oil Pastel Printing
You will use a range of experimental drawing techniques to respond to the arcitecture drawings of Ruth Allen. You will learn how to take your own photographs/ source images to respond to this artist.
Read MoreArchitecture Liz Somerville Lino Printing
You will study the textured prints of Liz Sommerville and create your own lino print from your architecture photographs.
Architecture Jill Ricci Image transfer / mono-printing / mixed media
You will bring together different elements of the project so far and draw inspiration from Jill Ricci's surface pattern art work.
Read MoreJunk Food Claes Oldenburg Papiermache sculpture
You will look at how Pop artists responded to the theme of food and use different 3D construction techniques to create your own scale sweet model.
Read MoreSheperd fairey Eating portraits stenciling
You will create a stenciled portrait inspired by the work of Shepard Fairey.
Read MorePersonal Response
You will pick your favourite elements of this project to produce a short GCSE style outcome.
Read MoreYear 10
In year 10 you will choose 2-3 artists to help you develop ideas for the set theme of changed. You will take photographs and use a range of drawing skills. You will build on your exisiting skills in a range of media as you experiment with a range of techniques and processes to build a final outcome.
Year 11
Coursework Review and refine
In the autumn term you will review and refine your work from year 10; selecting and improving certain pieces. You will build on the outcome you completed in year 10.
Unit 2 Controlled Assessment
In January you will be given a theme set by the exam board. You will have a period of time to produce a skethcbook of supporint work (worth 75% of your controlled assement grade) , following a similar format to your coursework. The final outcome will be completed in a 10 hour exam held over 2 days.
Final Completion of Coursework
This will be your final oppourtunity to refine and complete your coursework before it is handed in for assessment.