BBC Reporter visit
On Thursday 15th February 2018 a journalist from BBC Nottingham came to Bluecoat Wollaton Academy to kick off BBC school report and answer questions from the students who run the school’s student led Newspaper, The Wollaton Bulletin.
Mrs Kara Duncan, English teacher, reiterated that “this was a fantastic opportunity for the students to find out what being a journalist was like”. This positivity was also confirmed by Gabriel Wells-Potter, a member of The Wollaton Bulletin, who thought “it was a great experience meeting a real journalist and having the chance to chat with her, as she talked about her career from the beginning all the way up to now.”
Mrs Rutherford, an English teacher, said “the students’ questions were brilliant and we’re really looking forward to working with the journalist for BBC School Report in March”, while answering questions she explained how she found journalism an incredibly rewarding profession.
The BBC School Report in March will be the next journalistic adventure for the academy and will enable members of this newspaper group and the wider school community to be involved in writing and producing digital media productions and interviews. Watch this space for more details!
Written by Sam Coss and Mohammad Ismail, Y7